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  • Our attendance team is aware of which students are taking which exams. These absences will automatically be excused; you do not need to call in to clear them. If you receive an automated phone call, it is because the absence was not yet cleared before the robo calls happen. Please let us know within 48 hours if you discover an error. Thank you all in advance for your patience.
  • Students are expected to attend school before and after an AP test. In order for a student's absence during an AP Exam to be considered excused and marked accordingly, students must be present in the class following a morning AP Exam or before their afternoon AP Exam. Any classes missed outside of the testing time will be marked as an unexcused cut.
  • If a student is ill and will not be present for their AP Exam, please notify us as soon as possible. The only make-up days will be May 22-24.
  • Parents, please do not request contact with a student during an exam, as the exams cannot be stopped for personal reasons.